NASA Warns: 620-Foot Asteroid 2024 JV33 Nearing Earth Today

NASA Warns: 620-Foot Asteroid 2024 JV33 Nearing Earth Today

19-08-2024 06:12 AM CST | Image: Representative Image
NASA Issues Warning

NASA Issues Warning

NASA alerts the world about a building-sized asteroid, 2024 JV33, approaching Earth on August 19.

Image: Representative Image
Size and Speed

Size and Speed

Asteroid 2024 JV33 is 620 feet across and speeding towards Earth at 24,779 mph.

Image: Representative Image
Near-Earth Approach

Near-Earth Approach

The asteroid will pass by at a safe distance of 2.85 million miles, three times farther than the Moon.

Image: Representative Image
Apollo Group Asteroid

Apollo Group Asteroid

2024 JV33 belongs to the Apollo group, known for frequently crossing Earth’s orbit.

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NASA’s Vigilance

NASA’s Vigilance

NASA monitors all near-Earth objects like 2024 JV33 to assess any potential risks to our planet.

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Understanding NEOs

Understanding NEOs

Near-Earth objects within 7.5 million kilometers and over 460 feet are closely tracked by NASA's CNEOS.

Image: Representative Image
Stay Informed

Stay Informed

NASA continues to keep a close watch on 2024 JV33 and other space threats to ensure Earth's safety.

Image: Representative Image
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